Liberty University Also Files Cert Petition


By Hadley Heath

Here's a rundown of the cert petitions filed so far:

  • Thomas More Law Center (which the SG asked the Supreme Court to hold)
  • Department of Justice (in HHS v. FLorida)
  • Private plaintiff National Federation of Independent Business (in HHS v. Florida)
  • 26 states (in HHS v. Florida)
  • The Commonwealth of Virginia (in its own case)
  • and now, Liberty University (in its own case)

That's six!

About the Liberty petition, here's an excerpt from OneNewsNow:

It is very likely that the Supreme Court will choose to review Liberty University v. Geithner because it presents the only challenge to the employer mandate and also because the question regarding AIA [the Anti-Injunction Act] must be resolved. Staver is confident the Supreme Court will grant Liberty Counsel cert by deciding to hear the case.

“I think we'll be in the final mix,” he says. “We'll have a decision no later than June of 2012, and at that time hopefully we can all rejoice that the final chapter in ObamaCare will have been closed.”


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