Wisconsin Joins Florida Suit
By Hadley Heath
It's no surprise that Wisconsin's Attorney Gneral J.B. Van Hollen has just joined 20 other states in the Florida case against ObamaCare. Van Hollen had tried before and failed (Wisconsin's legislature would not permit WI to join the case in 2010). But now it's 2011, and Wisconsin is hopefully the first of several states that will join a suit this year.
This is from Reuters:
"Never before has the federal government required an individual to either buy government-approved insurance or pay a penalty. And nowhere does the Constitution authorize Congress to regulate in this manner," said Wisconsin Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen in a statement about joining the lawsuit.
This brings the total of states suing ObamaCare up to 22. There's the Florida case, which involves 21 states, and the Virginia case, which involves solely the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Other cases that involve public officials: Missouri Lieutenant Governor Peter Kinder is suing in his own case (Kinder v. Treasury), and Coons v. Geithner involves Nick Coons, a small business owner, U.S. Representative Jeff Flake, U.S. Representative John Shadegg, U.S. Representative Trent Franks, and 29 members of Arizona’s state legislature.
A switch of party in state level leadership in nine states (Ohio, Iowa, Michigan, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Wisconsin and Wyoming) raises questions about whether or not they will join the Florida case or sue independently against ObamaCare. Stay tuned to www.healthcarelawsuits.org to keep up with all that is going on.